The decision by the Federal Reserve to start paring back its emergency support was reached during a two-day Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting held from November 2nd to 3rd….
2020 has been a hard economic year. Few are the sectors which haven’t felt the aftermath of the pandemic – and in that sense, the online forex trading industry is…
Truth be told, cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, are the hottest market right now. Bitcoin is, in fact, hotter than stock, oil, and even gold trading at this point. One of the…
Have a look at these general tips for all kinds of traders No matter if you are a scalper, day trader, swing trader or position trader, you are most likely…
We’ve already discussed about the first two pillars of forex trading, technical analysis and fundamental analysis and now it is time of bring into the spot light the third and…
The year 2017 had been pretty active, especially if we talk about the major forex pairs. The EURUSD had a good performance, starting the year around the 1.0500 area and…
As we have mentioned several times in the past, there are a few pillars of success when it comes to trading forex successfully. We’ve talked about technical analysis in a…
The Forex market as we know it today had gone through some profound changes over the last centuries. The financial system as we know it today is still imperfect, but…
The Christmas is approaching for traders as well and with it comes a period when market liquidity and volatility drops. That happens because most of the institutional traders are in…
Since the technical aspects of trading do not represent all you need to know, a deeper understanding is required. We’ve covered the topic of risk management in the past…
You’ve probably heard many times the above quote and if you are a beginning trader you are most likely questioning what does it mean. Also, it is worth to mention…
من أكثر الجوانب المثيرة في استثمارات الأسهم هو مراقبة الأسهم وهي تتحرك صعوداً وهبوطاً بمرور الوقت، فالأسعار تتغير دائماً فترى أموالك تزيد زيادة خيالية ثم تهوى أمام عينيك. وليس هناك…
ثمة عدد لا يحصى من تطبيقات التداول المتاحة للمتداولين، إلا أنك ستصاب بالدهشة عندما تعلم أنه تكاد تنعدم الجهود التي بُذلت لتشغيل منصات تداول على أجهزة حواسب آبل، ويتعذر علي…
أهمية دمج العناصر التحليلية لقد كتبت مؤخرًا حول أفضل طريقة لتعلم تداول الفوركس حتى يتمكن أي شخص من تدريب نفسه ليصبح متداولًا ناجحًا في سوق الفوركس. التعلم وتطبيق ما تعلمته…