News Trading vs. Fundamental Analysis
Usually, when people talk about fundamental analysis the next topic you might hear about is technical analysis. But I have realized a lot of traders mix things up when it…
Usually, when people talk about fundamental analysis the next topic you might hear about is technical analysis. But I have realized a lot of traders mix things up when it…
The thought of trading fundamentals seriously had been a dilemma for me for a long time when I started trading forex about a decade ago. I have seen and read…
Have you ever thought of ways of overcoming fear in forex trading? Well if you haven’t, please read on. Let’s take some time to analyse what “fear” is. We know…
Often times we’re confused, to say the least, in choosing a suitable forex broker that we’re comfortable with and one that we feel will make us more profitable. Some brokers…
Have you ever set a stop loss or take profit and felt that price might go down more but then bounce back up again so you extend the stop loss?…
To some extent, it’s quite understandable that 90-95% of traders fail. Let’s for a moment forget how some traders can’t control their emotions, are greedy, don’t keep a journal, don’t…
This has been an ongoing debate for a very long time and as far as traders continue to have different strategies and think differently, I don’t see this argument dying…
Among several fundamental factors that have a big impact not only on the forex market, is one that I dare not ignore, one that you should keep a close eye…
Introduction Recently I wrote about the best way to learn forex trading after which one can train himself to be a successful forex trader. Learning and practicing what was learned,…
The best way to learn forex trading might surprise you. Because it’s contrary to what the mass does. If you asked most traders this question, they would usually say, trade…
ForexLive was founded in 2008 and has since been an outstanding source of information for professional and retail traders. Its CEO, Adam Button, won FXStreet’s Forex Person of the Year…
John’s introductory trading book, The Essentials of Trading (Wiley, 2006) came directly out of his teaching work. It reached Amazon “Top Seller” status shortly after its release. He has also…
People are seriously making big cash in the forex market. Forex millionaires do exist, in the sense that there are people who sit in front of their computer looking at…
Alex Boyd is a proprietary currency trader and co-founder of the Forex education firm Bringing years of experience, Alex capitalizes on industry secrets learned during his years as an…
It just hit me. This name, Joe Lewis and Joe Lewis Trading (JL Trading). Apparently, there are two British guys who share the same name and interest. What a coincidence….